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Session spécialisée pour les hommes

Specialized session for men

*****Services de reaching out disponible. Vous vous inquiétez pour un homme dans votre entourage. Nous pouvons le contacter pour lui offrir nos services. *****

Reaching out services available. You are worried about a man in your life. We can contact him to offer him our services. *****

Someone threatens to leave you if you don't go to therapy? You don't like some of your reactions? You try to find your own solutions, but in the long run, nothing works? Have you already tried everything? Do you have suicidal ideations? Have you developed addictions? Do you feel you can't talk about what's going on in your life?

My services are adapted to male socialization and to the issues men face in social services. Our sessions will be based on finding concrete solutions. Not sure if this is right for you? Contact me for a free 15 minute consultation. 

©2021 par Thérapie Sanare Therapy

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